White PaperPhysician Onboarding

Develop a Results-Driven Onboarding Process to Accelerate Physician Success

You may meet every recruiting and hiring goal you set. But if you can’t keep the physicians you hire for more than a few years, you’ll never be able to out-recruit your losses. It’s not unusual for a hospital to lose half the physicians it recruits over 5 years. As frustrating as this statistic is on the surface, this attrition is also costly. Consider how much your organization spends to recruit and hire a single physician. Add the cost of a guaranteed salary during the new physician’s ramp-up time. Then, consider the loss of revenue an unfilled position creates. This adds up to a number most hospitals can’t afford to bear. To help we created this results-driven onboarding process white paper.

Develop a Results-Driven Onboarding Process to Accelerate Physician Success

In this white paper you will learn:

Why Onboarding is an Issue You Can’t Afford to Ignore

You may meet every recruiting and hiring goal you set, but if you can’t keep the physicians you hire longer than a few years, you’ll never be able to out-recruit your losses. It’s not unusual for a hospital to lose half the physicians it recruits over 5 years. 

The 5 Reasons Physicians Leave 

At Marketware, experience shows that physicians leave a hospital for 1 or more of these reasons. 

3 Steps Developing a Results-Driven Process

Each task within an effective onboarding process will fall under one or more of 3 goals. While the process will vary for different specialties and practices, the goals remain the same. 

How to Gauge Success 

Creating a results-based onboarding plan requires identifying a set of quantifiable metrics. They serve as measuring sticks that let you gauge success. Reviewing and recording these metrics can help you demonstrate the ROI for your onboarding process and improve your process for future use. 

How to Manage Your Onboarding Process 

A comprehensive, results-based onboarding process can take months to complete, have hundreds of steps, and involve even more people. Marketware developed an onboarding tool that tracks the progress of this process, assigns tasks to the relevant parties, and helps measure ROI for your organization.