High-Level Reporting with Recruit & Onboard Dashboards

High-Level Reporting with Recruit & Onboard Dashboards

Marketware’s Platforms provide many avenues to report on the information you need most with Recruit & Onboard Dashboards. From pulling and exporting lists of potential leads based on a specific specialty and county to high-level insights into the progress of projects, viewing data to identify challenges, and reporting on which are the most effective. 

Users can access Recruit & Onboard Dashboards from their main navigation to report on what’s happening not only on an account level but at a team level for managers.

Recruit Dashboards

Active/Inactive Candidate Analysis

The Active/Inactive Candidate Analysis dashboard provides insight into the challenges and areas of improvement within the position-filling process.

  • Look at common stages where candidates fall inactive to see if there are areas in the process that continually disqualify — either based on the candidates’ needs or your own organizational needs.
  • Dive deeper into team statistics to know whose candidates are moving forward and gain an understanding of those whose candidates are falling off the process.
  • Compare inactive reasons to cite where improvements can be made to your process — from cultural fit to compensation or licensure and qualification needs.  
Inactive Candidate Analysis

Days to Fill 

The Days to Fill dashboard helps leadership gain insights into the average time it takes to fill an opportunity for a given specialty, place, or recruiter.  

  • Break down processes to understand how long candidates spend in each stage guiding choices to cut out unnecessary processes or recognizing areas that may take longer.  
  • Discuss the process with team members by boosting those with a fast process while encouraging those who may need more support and have longer days to fill. 
Recruitment Dashboard – Days to Fill

Candidate Overview 

The Candidate Overview provides a summary of the candidate pool within specific opportunities, places, or specialties, along with key demographics and sourcing information.

  • See cost broken down by leads, candidates, and final contracted individuals.  
  • Gain demographic insight into which sources are providing the best diversely qualified individuals.  
Recruitment Dashboard – Candidate Overview

Recruitment Activity Summary

Activity Dashboards provide an interactive visualization of tracked activities within the application. Gain high-level insights into the progress of projects, view data to identify challenges, and report on which are the most effective. 

Recruitment Dashboard — Activity Summary

Onboard Dashboards

Onboarding Challenges 

The Onboard Challenges dashboard helps to better identify challenges and areas of improvement to the onboard process and helps to retain providers more effectively.  

  • Break down any changes to provider launch dates by project, specialty, and assignee — providing insight into areas of the process that might need attention. 
  • Compare launch date change reasons from state licensure and credentialing to facility/equipment issues.
Onboarding Dashboard — Onboarding Challenges

Onboarding Project Team Summary

Activity Dashboards provide an interactive visualization of tracked activities within the application. Gain high-level insights into the progress of projects, view data to identify challenges, and report on which are the most effective. 

Onboarding Dashboard — Onboarding Project Team Summary

Onboarding Performance Summary

Understand the overall metrics per provider based on the provider’s specialty, place of onboard, the onboard coordinator assigned and provider start months.

Onboarding Dashboard — Onboarding Performance Summary

Start Your Growth Today!

Date: August 04 2021
Subject: Physician Onboarding
About the author
Kayla Morris — Product Manager
Kayla Thompson

Senior Product Manager