Top 4 Benefits of Healthcare Data Analytics & PRM Integration
When it comes to driving growth for your healthcare organization, you certainly understand the value of business intelligence — and you probably recognize a great deal of value from a Physician Relationship Manager (PRM). However, have you considered the impact that healthcare data analytics and a PRM would have if combined?
Here are the top 4 benefits you can enjoy from a physician relationship management and healthcare data analytics integration:
1. View Claims Data in Your Physician Relationship Manager
Find out the results of the claims data at the provider level, including patient/payer mix, claims volumes & shared patient connections.
2. Use PRM Fields as Dashboard Filters
Access physician relationship manager filters in your business intelligence dashboards to see internal & external data results for key profile fields &/or providers from specific initiatives, visits or issues.
3. Turn Data Insights into PRM Actions
Select providers from your healthcare data analytics dashboards & push them to a list, initiative or task in your physician relationship manager.
4. Evaluate Your ROV (Return on Visit)
Leverage integrated dashboards for a high-level view of your team’s effectiveness–including provider engagement & outreach results.
Healthcare Data Analytics & PRM Integration Demo
To better understand, and leverage, the data you already have, complete this Data Inventory Worksheet from our Going Big with Data white paper or schedule a quick demo of Marketware’s Physician Relationship Manager & Healthcare Analytics integration capabilities.
Infographic — Healthcare Analytics
10 Best Practices for Data Analytics Adoption
Implementing these analytics adoption best practices can enhance your organization’s ability to harness the power of data and drive meaningful outcomes from a platform like Marketware’s Healthcare Analytics…
White Paper — Healthcare Analytics
An Inside Look at Marketware’s Healthcare Analytics Platform
Interested in learning more about how Marketware’s Analytics Platform can help? Request a customized tour of our all-in-1 Physician Strategy Suite.