Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to Marketware’s most frequently asked questions.


Frequently Asked Questions

How long have you been working with healthcare clients?

Marketware began as a healthcare CRM, serving hospitals and healthcare system liaisons across the US in the early 2000s. Since then, we’ve grown to include a variety of other business development tools and resources. These include a web-based PRMhealthcare analytics dashboardsphysician recruitment, and physician onboarding platforms. Today, 300+ hospitals, practices, and health systems use our Physician Strategy Suite to create strategies, track efforts, and trend results.

What other industries does Marketware support?

Marketware is exclusively focused on supporting healthcare business development teams.

Is your platform mobile?

Yes. Marketware’s Physician Strategy Suite is a web-based platform that can be accessed from any web-enabled device. This includes desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. 

What type of support can Marketware clients expect?

In addition to regular training and optimization calls with their Client Success Executives, Marketware’s clients are supported by a team of product experts. This team’s available between 9 AM – 7 PM ET by phone, as well as email. They also actively create a variety of video guides and handouts posted to our Help Guide which can be accessed within the Physician Strategy Suite.

Physician Relations

Frequently Asked Questions

What is physician relationship management (PRM) software?

Physician relationship management (PRM) software is a centralized platform physician liaisons, administrators and other business development team members use to build provider and practice profiles, record field intelligence, track engagement efforts, monitor issues, and more. 

How can physician relationship management (PRM) software help me understand physician referral patterns?

PRMs that integrate with your internal data can help business development teams visualize key referral sources and evaluate the strength of these relationships over time. For example, dashboards can help visualize where first-time referrals are coming from and what percentage are made in response to outreach. Teams can also watch for declines across key specialties that might indicate barriers to patient access or opportunities for service recovery. 

How can physician relationship management (PRM) software help me reduce patient leakage?

PRMs that integrate external claims data can help business development teams visualize how many patients’ key referral sources are sharing with targeted specialties today and what percentage are being captured by their provider network. This helps confirm patient pipelines that can lead to outmigration and with this analysis, providers can be marked as retention or growth targets for specific outreach campaigns. 

How can physician relationship management software help me increase physician satisfaction & retention?

PRMs that track both engagement activities and field issues help business development teams understand who they’re spending their time with and how often, as well as key themes and responsiveness scores relating to practice or hospital barriers. They can also use dashboards, reports, and modules to develop satisfaction and retention plans. 

How can physician relationship management (PRM) software support service line growth?

Whether it’s using campaign planning tools, highlighting key services within topics discussed, or reviewing internal data trends tied to specific areas of care, PRMs offer a lot of flexibility when it comes to supporting service line campaigns and monitoring barriers to growth. 

How can my team use data integration from my physician relationship management platform?

By using a physician relationship management (PRM) platform that integrates different sources of data within the provider profile, your team can view internal and external data trends at the provider level. This places key data at a liaison’s fingertips including patient mix, payer mix, claims volumes, and shared patient connections — all within the PRM which supports stronger target lists and pre-call planning.

Is a mobile version of your PRM available?

Marketware is a web-based platform that can be accessed by any web-enabled device including desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. While we do offer a limited version of our PRM within app stores, some of the data integrations aren’t available in this version. Thus, most choose to access the full tool from their preferred web browser.

Healthcare Analytics

Frequently Asked Questions

What is big data in healthcare?

When it comes to healthcare, there are many data sources, including internal medical records, external claims data, prescription data, population and disease statistics, contact management systems, and patient surveys. All can be used to track disease, create continuums of care, improve patient outcomes, and support service line development.

What is business intelligence healthcare data?

Business intelligence is the aggregation, analysis, and use of these different data sources to directly inform decision-making. While many of these data sources can be collected or purchased, it can be labor-intensive to gather and analyze them as a team. This is especially true when it comes to organizing and visualizing data in a way that leads to action. Using a system like Marketware, to automate data access and analytics, can play a huge role in helping your organization grow key service lines and provider relationships.

Why do I need business intelligence data for my business development team?

Healthcare teams are actively working to identify ways they can focus marketing, business development, and outreach resources where they add the most value. They use a variety of data sources, including internal encounters, inbound and outbound referrals, and state and CMS data to support service line planning and targeted outreach.

Business intelligence can show your business development team key points within the patient pipeline including the top providers of care and which physicians/networks are sharing patients with these providers. By using organized dashboards and business analytics, you can easily identify what needs to be done to nurture existing relationships, recover struggling relationships, and redirect leakage. 

What is all-payer claims data?

All-payer claims data is a collection of ambulatory and hospital claims data aggregated from multiple clearinghouses and billing systems. It includes a mix of payers including CMS. 

How can healthcare teams use all-payer claims data?

All-payer claims data is collected, aggregated, and reported at the NPI level. This means teams can use this data to better understand key providers in markets of interest based on specialty, practice, service line, or procedural group. You can also use all-payer claims data to understand a provider’s total observed patients, payer mix, patient mix, estimated patient origin, and more.

How can I use all-payer claims data to analyze & impact physician referral patterns?

While patient data is de-identified at collection, unique patient tokens allow you to observe how one patient may connect to multiple providers. By looking at shared patient volumes between two providers, your team can identify potential patient pipelines in your market.

For example, you can ID which potential referral partners are tied to key in-network providers. Then, create strategies to reinforce these ties. You can also use the data to understand which potential referral partners are tied to providers aligned with your competition and create strategies to redirect them.

My team uses internal data.
Why should I be interested in all-payer claims data?

Internal data is patient and provider data collected from your practice and/or hospital-based EMR systems. Data from your EMR includes service type, volume unit, unique patient ID, referring NPI, attending NPI, clinical service procedure codes, service location, and related revenues.

While this data can be helpful in understanding historical volumes, high-value procedures/service lines and top referring/attending providers, you’re limited to seeing only what’s happening in your organization. Whereas all-payer claims data can help you identify patient populations that are actively seeking care from other providers or organizations in and outside of your market.

My team uses state data.
Why should I be interested in all-payer claims data?

State data is typically collected from hospitals affiliated with one or more state hospital associations. Often, state data access can be restricted based on whether: a state collects and shares data, the client has acute care locations in a bordering state and/or the organization type participates in the voluntary data submission and review.

While this data source covers acute care encounters across a variety of payers including self-pay, not all states aggregate or publish the data and, many that do, are limited in what they’re collecting today (i.e. inpatient and hospital-based OP only). This can limit your view into what types of cases are occurring in other settings within your market.

My team uses CMS data.
Why should I be interested in all-payer claims data?

All-payer claims data is procured from hospital-based claims billed and paid by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services. It typically includes all inpatient, hospital-based outpatient, and post-acute care claims, including both facility and related professional charges. Because the data is aggregated at the patient level, volumes and charges can be organized and viewed at the facility, provider, and patient origins.

That said, the volumes are tied to a single-payer in the market, data is often published 6-9 months following discharge and service lines that primarily serve patient populations under 65 aren’t represented. That’s why many teams opt to supplement CMS trending data with all-payer claims data.

Marketware integrates data with the PRM. How can my team use this?

By using an analytics tool that incorporates a PRM platform, your team can use field intelligence to filter dashboards and reports that show their work’s impact. Moreover, our integration allows you to highlight specific providers of interest. Then within the dashboard itself, schedule an activity with these individuals or push them into a target list or current growth campaign.

Physician Recruitment

Frequently Asked Questions

What is physician & provider recruitment? 

Physician and provider Recruitment is a term used to describe the complex, and often lengthy, process of posting open opportunities, sourcing (searching for), qualifying, and ultimately contracting (hiring) doctors as well as advanced practice professionals for a variety of healthcare settings such as hospitals, clinics and even telemedicine.

What does a healthcare recruiter do? 

Healthcare recruiters are responsible for posting job advertisements, screening applicants, interviewing candidates, setting interview schedules with hiring managers, and in some cases, providing the job offer to qualified candidates. They should have a solid background in healthcare. 

Why is healthcare recruiting important?

The American Medical Association (AMA) reports that by 2032 (less than 10 years from now) we could expect to see a shortage of 17,800-48,000 primary care physicians and 21,000-77,100 non-primary care physicians. From this, we can derive that there will be even fewer candidates to fill an increasing number of vacancies or open opportunities. This means longer wait times for routine as well as emergent care, more communities without access to a physician, and overall fewer people who will be able to get the medical care they may desperately need. Physician and Provider Recruitment professionals utilize industry knowledge and resources to help healthcare organizations create a strategy to successfully share and fill their open Physician and Provider vacancies as quickly as possible.

How long does it take to recruit a physician or APP?
  • The average time to hire for physicians is roughly 126 days
  • The average time to hire for advanced practice providers is 64 days

Keep in mind these are averages, depending on the specialty and location, time to fill can vary greatly.

What is a physician applicant tracking system (P-ATS)?

physician applicant tracking system (P-ATS) is software designed to track practice opportunities, candidates, sources, and expenses related to each stage of an organization’s recruitment process.

How can a P-ATS support physician recruitment?

A physician applicant tracking system helps physician recruiters match candidates to the best open practice opportunities. While also allowing them to manage leads by source, set up key touch points at each stage of the candidate pipeline, and automate reporting. All of which helps uncover opportunities to streamline and improve recruitment processes.

Physician Onboarding

Frequently Asked Questions

What is healthcare onboarding? 

Similar to onboarding in other industries, healthcare onboarding or organizational socialization is about recruiting people, helping new hires understand their roles and the organization’s rules and regulations, and ensuring a productive and successful work experience for employees. 

What is physician onboarding?

Physician and provider onboarding is the complex, yet often not-so-formal process of getting your new hire ready to practice. While that may sound simple enough, there are multiple departments and often hundreds of tasks that must happen simultaneously before your physician or provider can see their first patient. In addition to time-consuming administrative components like credentialing, payer enrollment, privileges, medical staff orientation, and practice setup, many essential tasks focus on a culture, community, and engagement perspective. All of these help the physician or provider establish a firm foundation for their new practice, as well as long-term success within the organization and the broader community.

What is onboarding software?

The terms ‘onboarding software’ or ‘employee onboarding systems’ traditionally describe human resources (HR) software designed to deliver a quick, streamlined, and engaging experience for new hires. For physicians and providers, that need is significantly different. First, in many cases, HR is not the primary driver of physician onboarding. Second, because of the number of complex tasks and departments involved in physician onboarding, a software platform ensures that all administrative, regulatory, quality/safety, training, practice, marketing, and personal boxes are checked. This process is time-consuming, to be sure, which makes software essential in keeping all participants on the same page both before and after the new physician’s start date.

Why is onboarding important?

When done right, physician onboarding increases new provider satisfaction and retention, drives practice productivity, builds system revenue, and increases market share.

How can software help improve the physician onboarding process?

The right physician and provider onboarding software turns all those siloed departmental checklists into a master onboarding process of sequential key tasks to be completed within a certain timeframe. By storing this information in a centralized location, all responsible parties can access, communicate about, and complete their tasks in real time. Leaders and/or onboarding coordinators can also utilize pre-made dashboards and produce roll-up reporting. These reports highlight key trends, gaps, or lags in processes, as well as at-risk providers that need attention to help them meet their start date.

What does an onboard manager or coordinator do?

Your onboarding manager or coordinator, has an eye on the big picture and keeps all the moving pieces in sync. In many cases, they are also the primary source of communication between departments and new physicians/providers. Lastly, onboarding coordinators or managers, with that big picture per view, can also identify where there are barriers or delays and opportunities for system-wide process improvement.

What KPIs are helpful to review for physician onboarding success?

To assess provider onboarding performance, evaluate the number of new providers over a given time, the percentage of tasks completed on time, the reasons given for changes to a start date, level of engagement (pre and post-hire feedback), new patient volumes at key checkpoints (post-launch), proforma performance, retention, and more. A physician strategy platform such as Marketware can help you easily track and measure these KPIs.

Client Success

Frequently Asked Questions

How is your client success team structured?

Every Marketware client is assigned a dedicated Client Success Executive. Our strategists are all former physician liaisons, healthcare data analysts, or healthcare recruiters who understand the challenges and opportunities you face in the field. They make recommendations on how best to integrate MW’s Physician Strategy Suite to support your team in identifying and optimizing growth opportunities. And they often live and work within your region and/or have focused on the same service lines your organization represents.

What type of support can Marketware clients expect?

In addition to regular training and optimization calls with their Client Success Executive, Marketware’s clients are supported by a team of product experts. This team’s available between 9 AM – 7 PM ET by phone, as well as email. They also actively create a variety of video guides and handouts posted to our Help Guide which can be accessed within the Physician Strategy Suite.

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