Track Information Unique to Your Process with Custom Fields

A typical applicant tracking system allows you to create a candidate profile. However, Marketware includes fields that are relevant to physician recruitment. Additionally, our platform allows you to create custom fields so you can capture valuable insights unique to your organization. These dynamic fields appear on records and related lists and allow for physician recruiters and onboard teams alike to customize and track additional information needed in both recruiting and onboarding.

Track Information Unique to Your Process with Custom Fields

In addition to Marketware’s new custom fields, we’ve added the ability to receive weekly upcoming activity emails to help users understand their workload for the week and overdue activity emails to identify items that need immediate attention. Weekly notifications and follow-ups will give recruiters and onboarding teams the ability to understand action plans for the week and redirect them back to work on their plans.

Onboarding teams can now utilize the global status board to see all provider statuses across all onboarding projects. The status board lets users easily spot which providers are on track, off-street, and at risk to help guide teams to completion.

Interested in learning more about our recruiting and onboarding platform? Schedule a quick and customized demo with one of our solutions specialists today!

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Date: April 07 2021
Subject: MW Product Updates
About the author
Kayla Morris — Product Manager
Kayla Thompson

Senior Product Manager